Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gamblers Are More Intelligent Than None Gamblers

New York Numbers players are really on the ball. We all know about flight 1549 going down in the Hudson River and an hour later the numbers 1549 were sold out for at least two days. One of the numbers that I had given to the ‘Kirlian Club Members’ was 4915 and it hit in PA. on 01/11. I have to hand it to numbers players, this event proves that numbers players are wide awake and alert to what’s going on and know how to tell when a money making opportunity presents itself, even though it has not hit in the past 2 days, we can all feel that it is coming.

It’s stated in the encyclopedia that gamblers are more wide awake and alert than none gamblers and we live longer to. Once a women gave me some good advice when she said to me that she did not trust people that did not like to gamble. Needless to say we got along like two peas in a pot.

I find that people that like to gamble are more fun to be around and are more adventurous. I know a person who is not a gambler and waits for the light to change before crossing the street even though it‘s safe to cross. I also noticed that this person does not have a real sense of humor.

In the past week or so, on TV and radio I’ve been hearing the word ‘scandal’ = 131541, 113 hit in NY on 01/13. I appreciate people sending me combinations of numbers associated with the 1549 opportunity but here are a few that they forgot. It was very COLD = 3634. It happened in WATER = 51259. It involved an AIR-PLANE = 199-73155. When it first happened there was a lot of FRIGHT = 699782, FEAR = 6519. When they realized that they were safe they felt lots of JOY = 167 HAPPINESS = 817795511 and let us not forget WOW = 565. So that I don’t hog up all the fun, I left out a few other key words/names that I’ll let you find.

ARIES: Take it easy this week. You may need rest. You should be making plans for a vacation. 297, 427, 6605, 4082

TAURUS: This is the week to be extra considerate of your life mate or romantic companion at night. 275, 502, 3374, 4992

GEMINI: Your long range outlook and hopes for the coming year come under consideration. 086, 295, 5574,2084

CANCER: This is the time to draw up a practical and reasonable schedule for the coming weeks. 743, 052, 7052, 4980

LEO: A short trip is indicated, this may be merely going to another neighborhood, but it will prove significant later. 317, 095, 6227, 5478

VIRGO: In This weekly cycle attention should be focused on partnership affairs and marital matters. 257, 557, 2937, 3270

LIBRA: Diplomacy will be the required order for this coming week. You may be very unhappy if you don’t. 844, 752, 7757.6208

SCORPIO: You’ll achieve your best development by getting the advice of others who are experts in their field. 521, 212, 5210, 9823

SAGITTARIUS: During this weekly cycle it is in your best interest not to be too proud to ask for advice. 622, 705, 2992, 5935

CAPRICORN: Be open-minded when others speak to you. A prejudiced attitude would mean you are losing. 528, 924, 3094, 6097

AQUARIUS: An objective attitude towards people you work with will increase your own efficiency. 922, 392, 5074, 5436

PISCES: This week unbeknown to yourself you will learn some important lessons without even knowing it. 170, 502, 3371., 2543

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