Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bitter Melon Can Make You Well

Lately there has been a lot of information about Diabetes in the news and lots of doctors say that it is incurable and some people that I don’t like to be around parrot what the medical profession say and that is, Diabetes is incurable and that you have to inject yourself or have someone inject insulin into your body. The truth of the matter is that everything is curable. If you get it, it can be cured if you do the right things. If you have excess to the internet you can find cures for every thing.

One of the things that help cure high blood sugar is to drink a lot of pure distilled water with certain minerals added to it. A friend of mine told me that her sugar count was over 235 and she started drinking lots of pure water and taking cinnamon, gymnema sylvestre, and drinking bitter melon juice, which she makes her self. The last time that I spoke to her, her blood sugar was down to 155. You can find out more by going to: There is a wealth of information here.

You can get “Bitter Melon” from chine’s markets. Now lets see if we can make some money from the words Bitter & Melon. The numbers in the word “Bitter” are 292259, and “Melon” are 45365. This gives us 292, 922, 225, 259 and 2922, 9225, from the word “Bitter”. Now “Melon” we have 453, 536, 365 and 4536, 5365.

ARIES: This week you will probably learn a secret about a friend, you should keep it to yourself. 472, 026, 2647, 2837
TAURUS: This week you can fix things up at your place of work. Others will cooperate with you. 847, 380, 3146, 3375
GEMINI: This is a good week to give a party of your own with some luxurious items for special friends. 397, 246, 4017, 2289
CANCER: Social affairs are in the foreground. You should have an enjoyable time with your loved ones. 327 925, 0275, 4475
LEO: Do not be rude to anyone who telephones and intrudes on you or your family. 331, 726, 3270, 0662
VIRGO: Advance your career interests this week. Make every action significant of personal progress. 309, 399, 0035, 3952
LIBRA: This week in money matters be wise about quality and not too thrifty when it comes to the best. 049, 616, 9024, 9725
SCORPIO: You will have a psychic impression that can help you see into the heart of another person. 628, 371, 7727, 5094
SAGITTARIUS: During this weekly cycle you should keep your personal insights to yourself. 973, 023, 3850, 2212
CAPRICORN: This week attend to financial matters and try to collect all outstanding debts. 907, 437, 8924, 3842
AQUARIUS: This week keep all receipts, you may have to have proof that you paid for something. 796, 495, 3145, 6742
PISCES: Keep out of someone else’s marital troubles. In your own family keep out of a relatives romantic situation. 072, 294, 4752, 5671

というとダンスミュージックが大音量のナイトクラブをイメージされる方が多いと思いますが、台湾の場合は『連れ出しクラブ』とも言われています。言わば日本でいうキャバクラの台湾風俗ような場所で嬢を連れ出すことができるのです!これまた新しいシステムですが、台湾では一般的です。そんな中でも台北市内中心部にある『プレステージ』というお店はおすすめです。旅行で行かれる方はほぼ中国語が話せない可能性が高いですが、このお店であれば日本語で話せる嬢が多いのが特徴です。台湾女性は色白でスタイルの良い人が多いので、年齢以上にキレイな人が多く在籍しています。クラブでは連れ出した後、ショートコースと翌朝までのコースがあり、比較的朝までコースでデートを楽しみながらもプレイを楽しめるという一石二鳥な風俗と言えましょう。プレステージの口コミ・体験談女の子:☆台湾風俗(綺麗系です。一見、きつめに見えるかもしれませんが、性格もいいです)コストパフォーマンス:☆☆☆(円高とはいえやはり高級な遊びです)店舗:てはいかがでしょうか。【2020年最新版】台湾141の口コミ・体験談Lineで連絡を取る場合、電話でなくメッセージでやり取りが出来ます。Lineは女の子じゃなくてお店のIDなので、メッセージを送ると店員らしき人がメッセージを在籍中!出台北の桃園空港到着は23時頃。サウナ いパブKTV制服店絶対体験台湾式超遊台北遊アジアマッサージ台北夜世界台湾娘台湾の風俗台湾キャバクラ(日式KTV)台湾のサウナ式風俗風俗来る事に。ぶので待っててとの事。歩道の横にあるベンチに座って待ち合わせ。こんなとこで待ち合わせ?と思いつつポン引ご入場してくだ
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