Sunday, May 13, 2007

How I Got Interested In Biorhythm Cycles

It’s funny how things happen, lately I have come in contact with a number of people who have asked me the same question. The question is “how did you become interested in Biorhythm charts and what convinced you that they work. In the beginning I was quite doubtful that any thing could predict how you would be feeling in the future.

I’m going to give an exercise that any of you can try, this exercise convinced me that there was something to Biorhythm cycles. This is what I was told to do and that is, to keep a record of how I felt for one month. Every day I would keep a record of how I felt. It went something like this. Today I woke up feeling tired and stayed in bed longer than I would normally. The next day; for some reason today I feel depressed. The next day, for some reason I don’t feel depressed today. The day after that, I feel much better today and the day after that, I feel great today and could not wait to get out of bed. The next day, today I feel lots of energy.

I kept this record of how I felt for one month. Then I had a bio-chart made up for the past month so I could see if what I wrote about how I felt was predicted in the bio-chart and to my otter surprise it was indicated in the Biorhythm chart. When I did not feel well my bio-cycles were at the critical point. To say the least this experience convinced me that Biorhythm charts were right on the money.

And as time went on I found that people who had won large or small amounts of money, that it was indicated on their bio-charts. Now with my discovery of “trigger” days just adds icing to the cake. I write about “trigger” days in my new up-dated edition of my book, “How To Win Games Of Chance”. To prove that Biorhythms cycle work just try the above experiment on yourself and you’ll be convinced that Biorhythm cycles are a powerful tool to have in your possession.

I went to the Racino on a trigger day. I won $633 with a $40 investment. This was within 45 minutes of getting there. My favorite slot is Wheel of Gold Double Diamond. Maybe the next time I have a double trigger day, I'm taking the day off from work and play at the racino.
Thanks Anonymus I've been meaning to mention your note but I have been having problems getting to my blog page since they changed things around. I hope I can get to my blog page the next time I try.

I wrote down what I did to get here, I hope it works the next time.
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