Saturday, August 19, 2006


I’m on a roll right now, here is an email that I sent to a client and the results.

Original Message ----- From: Ken D/
To: Mary Ann;
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 1:24 PM
Subject: Maryann's Kirlian Numbers

Hi MaryAnn:
Thanks for the order. There were a lot of numbers in the photo that I took for you but I picked out the ones that I felt good about.
First I’m going to give you the single and double digit numbers in the order in which I saw them.
51, 57, 18, 8, 19, 39, 15, 17, 52, 14, 16, 20
The 3-digig numbers were: 818, 195, 579, 152
The 4-digit numbers were: 3111, 7993, 7957, 9575, 2795
I wish you the very best of luck.

On August 14, I received this email from Mary
---- Original Message -----
From: Mary
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 9:57 PM
Subject: box hit:
Ken, I had a 50 box hit today on the, I believe, 9275, you just gave me in my Kirlian numbers. Just $104 - but definitely a good start given how dry things have been for months. Thank you again and many blessings! Mary.

----- Original Message -----
From: Mary
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:12 PM
Subject: Another boxed hit in De

Ken, because DE has been repeating sooooo many numbers this past year, I stayed on the Kirlian # 2795 that you sent me this weekend and it fell again today for another $208 - 2nd hit in 3 days from the Kirlian Numbers - another blessing. Thank you. Can't wait to see if third time's a charm, too. Mary.

On Monday August 14, 06 one of my regular clients named Arlene who was born in 1918 came for a “Kirlian” photo reading, she is a real feisty senior citizen. Anyway the numbers that I saw in her “Kirlian” photo were; 371, 217 and 357. On August 15, 317 hit then on August 17th 217 hit straight. I think I should play 357 on the 18th and the 19th.

On the August 16 I bought a scratch off ticket and won $1.000.00


I have a good friend, who believe it or not he likes and supports President Bush alias “Humpty-Dumpty”. We all know what most men mean when they say, they like ”Bush”. I’ll never use that expression again, from now on it’s, “I like Beaver”, yes they do run around in the bush and build their homes under water.

Anyway my ‘bush’ loving friend also loves to buy scratch off lottery tickets and he does quite well with them. He saves his winnings tickets and then cashes them in at the end of each month. Every now and then in the morning we meet for coffee and if the weather is nice we go over to River Side Park and sit on a bench and talk but not about politicks. He would buy a couple of CROSSWORD scratch off tickets and as we sat down, he would tell me to pick one of the tickets so we could scratch them off at the same time.

To make a long story short, I started buying the CROSSWORD scratch off tickets some times I would win a few bucks which was nice. I know some of you will find what I’ m going to say now very interesting. I discovered that when I bought scratch off tickets in certain stores from certain people behind the counter I would tend to win more than when I bought a ticket from other people behind the counter. Need I say more.

On August 16th 06, which is one of my lucky numbered days 1+6=7, I decided to go to one of my lucky stores to play some numbers and had not thought about buying any scratch off tickets that day. I happened to look at the scratch off tickets and noticed that the CROSSWORD tickets where number 11 another one of my lucky numbers. So I bought one ticket and went home and scratched it off. After scratching off the first 3 letters I had a word, that had never happened before and naturally I said to myself this is a very good omen. A strange thing was happening I would think to myself I need an “S” and the very next letter would be the exact letter that I thought of.

When I finished scratching I counted 6 words a coupe of times, which was worth $25.00, not bad. When I turned the ticket in I was told that he could not cash the ticket. I said it’s only worth $25.00. He said no it’s worth more and you have to go to the lottery office and make a claim, which I did. I filled out the necessary papers and I was handed a check for $1.000.00 when I saw this my eyes almost popped out of my head.

When I got home I called my Bush loving friend and told him that I won a thousand dollars on a CROSSWORD scratch off with only 6 words. He said “no-way, do you have a copy of the ticket“, I said “yes“, he said “can I see it“, I said “come on over“. When he looked at the ticket, he said “Ken you have 9 words here, I said “you’ve got to be kidding and then he pointed them out to me. Even right now I can only count 8 of the words. Here are some of the words and there numbers, which will bring you good luck if you play the ones that ring your bell.

SOUL = 1633 ** PRO = 796 ** VIA = 491 ** AFT = 162 ** VALOR = 41369 ** APART = 17192 ** AFLOAT = 133612.

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