Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Zac Mous Will Make U Money For Years To Come

I agree that the sentence that was given to Mr. Zacarias Moussaoui was the right one (I had predicted that he would not get the death penalty) when you consider that our great American Air Force Generals wanted to shoot down the high jacked airplane that was headed for New York some unnamed person in the Bush government gave the order to “Stand Down”, which meant don’t shoot the airplane down and this was after one airplane had already crashed into the World Trade Center. So in truth the Humpty-Dumpty administration let it happen. And people are angry at poor Zacarias who said he knew it was going to happen while his acquaintances said he did not know when it was going to happen.

I knew those buildings were coming down when they first put them up. I never liked to go into them. They used to have the Lottery Winners Press Conferences there and that’s where I had to go to report on the Lottery Winners for the New York and New Jersey Lottery New$. I sure was glad when they moved the Lottery Press Conferences out of the WTC to a new building a few blocks away.

Anyway the decision not to give Zacarias Moussaoui the death penalty has pissed off a lot of people and they are very angry. Well as I have shown you in the past when a word or a name generates great emotion such as hate and anger the numbers connected to the letters in that word/name produce a lot of hits through out the country. I’m writing this on 05/04/06 and I can see that the numbers in the names “Zacarias” = 81319911 and “Moussaoui” = 463111639 both of these names contain a plethora of hits that will hit for years to come. Because Zacarias Moussaoui will be hated and talked about for years to come, which means these names will produce winning numbers well into the future.

Have you noticed that the name Zacarias has that old famous 3-digit numbers that are know around the world as 911 and the 3-digit Midday numbers that hit on 05/04/06 were 011, I know those of you that have my book “THE DNA OF NUMBERS” are saying OH WOW, it’s right there, and so was the 4-digit numbers are right there if you know how to look for them. You must take the numbers which I write about below in the knowledge that I began this article on 05/04/06 the day after the “Zacarias Moussaoui” jury decision came down.

Now watch these numbers hit all over the country; 831, 131, 319, 199, 911, 114, 146, 463, 631, 111, 116, 639, 398, 981 now for some of the hidden 3-digit numbers; 688, 051, 359, 003, 069, 808, 601, 536, 005, 661, 018 800, 689, 509, I’ll let you pick out your own winning 4-digit numbers, which are staring you right in the face. If you check you’ll see that 111 hit on 05/05/06. The 4-digit numbers were 3278, which were not even in the invisible numbers but Just watch the other “Zacarias Moussaoui numbers come bouncing out.

The next day the 5th, 111 hit Midday, in New York. I don’t know if you have noticed that in the name “Moussaoui” in the middle of that name are the numbers 111. By any chance did you notice that the numbers in the last 3 digits of the name “Zacarias” are 911 “ias“ = 911. I’m not going to list all the hits that have occurred so far across the country but I did check on 05/05/06 to see how things were going. On the 5th ten of the numbers in the name “Zacarias Moussaoui” hit around the country, and they have been hitting ever since, as you will see, they will continue to hit as long as people feel great emotion every time they hear the name “Zacarias Moussaoui“. Hey every time that you hear talk about Z.M., that may be our trigger or clue to play the numbers in the name Z.M., so stay on your mental toes and keep your knees bent.

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